Friday, November 14, 2008

Duffy - Caught Being a Good Grandparent

Today Lisa Andrews was the recipient of this award. She has three grandchildren at Picton School, and two at Picton Kindy. We are thankful to have Lisa as a wonderful helper in our school.

Athletics Day

On Thursday it was Athletics Day. We did lots of things like high jump, running, long jump and tennis ball throw. Waikawa Bay and St Josephs came too. We did really well. I won two sprints, one was against Emily. We all got a certificate of participation.

By Sophie Overend

Photo to come.

Spud in a Bucket!

On Wednesday we planted the potatoes in a bucket. Richard and Michelle came to help us. When we got back to the room Sophie and I watered the potatoes. Then we asked the other classrooms if they wanted us to water theirs. We water the potatoes every three days. They will be ready at the end of the Christmas holidays.

By Emily Overend

Photo to come.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Reading in the Junior School

This year we have been mixing up our reading groups between Room 8 and Room 6, based on children's reading levels. This way we are able to cater to each child's needs more effectively. This is a photo of Room 8 and Room 6 children working together in Room 8. We really like having new people in our class at reading time.